Forest Park Riding School
​When riding:
•All riders must wear an Australian standard approved riding helmet.
•All riders must wear approved boots with small heels with little or no tread - runners or work boots are not permitted.
• Sensible, comfortable clothes - not loose or flapping, or tight. They should protect against external abrasions or weather - we suggest a top with collar a sleeves.
•Do not wear jewelry that could get caught or lost, or hairstyles that obscure vision when riding. We also suggest shatter proof glasses.
When leading or handling:
•Footwear - sturdy, fully enclosed shoes or boots which protect the foot. Parents or leaders will not be allowed to approach any horse with sandals, thongs or inappropriate footwear.
• Sensible, comfortable clothes.
There is a small supply of boots and helmets for you to use for your convenience and for those one off rides, however this is a free service and these boots & helmets may not fit all sizes. If you are borrowing riding gear please ensure that you arrive with additional time to fit this to you. It is advised you purchase your own - we suggest Horseland Canberra.​

Accredited Riding Centre with the AHRC
Forest Park is one of only two accredited riding centres with the Australian Horse RIding Centres (AHRC) in the ACT. The AHRC provide accreditation for riding centres in Australia to meet high safety and quality standards in facilities, instruction, horse welfare, supervision and safety.